The Kiss of Judas

This phrase is always about betrayal, and goes back to the most famous betrayer in history, Judas.Judas was one of the 12 men chosen by Jesus as his closest followers. But for some reason (which continues to be argued about) Judas chose to betray Jesus to his enemies, who arrested, tried and executed him within a few hours. The crowning element in Judas' betrayal was that he identified Jesus to his enemies by kissing him – using a sign of love and friendship. It was a kiss to make the blood run cold...

Jesus was still speaking, when Judas the betrayer came up. He was one of the twelve disciples, and a large mob armed with swords and clubs was with him. They had been sent by the chief priests and the nation's leaders. Judas had told them ahead of time, "Arrest the man I greet with a kiss." Judas walked right up to Jesus and said, "Hello, teacher." Then Judas kissed him.

Matthew 26:47-49