Ship of Fools

I only just found their website on line but check out their list for things to do during Lent. I know this is out of date now but these are all things we should do during the rest of the year.

Here are examples from the first two days:

1. FIND LENT READINGS WED 6 FEB Take some time to find online resources you can use throughout the days of Lent. Here are websites which provide prayers and readings for Lent and for every day of the year:
Church of England – services of daily prayer
Forward day by day – daily readings and meditations
Northumbria Community – morning, midday, evening prayer
Pray as you go – daily prayer for your MP3 player
Sacred Space – sacred space at your computer
Idea by: Rossweisse

"If you knew the whole Bible off by heart, what good would it do you without the love and grace of God?" – Thomas à Kempis

2. GIVE... AND KEEP GIVING THUR 7 FEB Today, choose someone in your church or community and give or do something tangible for them at least once a week during Lent. Don't tell them, just plan it, and then put it into action.
Idea by: Gloriamarie

"Earn all you can. Save all you can. Give all you can." – John Wesley