Saturday 13th December 2008 - What a Day!
Wake up in the morning to the smell of freshly baked cakes. Round everyone up and off to church for the monthly table top sale. After donating some cakes for the event, we spend an hour going around chatting, drinking coffee and buying more things than we came in with????!!!
But there's no time to dwell. Race home and have some lunch, but wait, it's already time to throw on some thick socks and meet back at the church for the ice skating trip. Get there on time to discuss how bad we ll are at this then proceed to stumble around the rink for a couple of hours before Chris races around telling everyone it's time to leave for the next event!
Get home at 5:15 to change put icing on some more cakes (and a trip to the store for some double cream).
Off to church again, this time for the Christmas Party. I'm starving so find myself stood by the food grazing nonchalantly. Santa Ray came right on time for the kids all surrounded by a few great games. Oh look mat the time! 8:30 and we are all exhausted.
Slept like a log! (do logs sleep? maybe it used to be dog?)
Well done to all the organisers who put the time in to making everything go so well and it was announced this morning that the Table Top Sale made a record profit!