Cliffs Notes for the Bible

A new reference tool to help journalists and broadcasters get up to speed on biblical issues has been released by Bible Society.
The Bible Style Guide is an 80-page book packed with facts, figures, explanations and overviews to help media professionals report Bible stories with confidence.
It answers basic journalistic questions such as the number of books in the Bible and how Christians deal with violent texts in the Bible.
It also has a 20-page glossary of biblical terms and ideas going from Abraham to Zionism, taking in creation, Judgement Day and Satan on the way. As well as tackling controversial issues, the style guide also includes terms that are often misunderstood.
With the Bible increasingly cropping up in headlines, from the Anglican Church’s homosexuality rows to Kate McCann’s Bible being investigated by police, and with its contents discussed, dissected and debated on a weekly basis, the style guide will be a vital tool for those in the media industry, said Bible Society.
Media professionals have welcomed the guide.
"The Bible Style Guide is an invaluable resource for journalists reporting a post 9-11 world in which religion increasingly dominates the news agenda," said James Macintyre, Religious Affairs Correspondent at The Independent. nformative without being patronising, cliché-busting as well as substantial, it’s useful for those already in the know - as well as those of us who are hastily having to catch up."
The development of the guide is part of Bible Society’s mission to help media professionals report the Bible accurately and with confidence.
David Ashford, Bible Society’s Media Development Officer, added, "The Bible Style Guide provides a crash course in the Bible for busy journalists and broadcasters. Whether you’re covering creationism or Zionism, or want to know your apostle from your epistle, The Bible Style Guide is here to help journalists get started."
The Bible Society has launched an accompanying blog for journalists and broadcasters which tracks and comments on coverage of the Bible in the media accessible at