Teen Schedule

Hi guys!
Here's the list of what we're doing from now until Christmas at teens club:
16th September - Games Night
23rd September - Treasure Hunt
30th September - A British Thai Boxing Champion is coming to show us how it's done. Please wear sports clothes and bring a bottle of water
7th October - Chocolate Night
14th October - Kareoke Night
21st October - NO CLUB!!! because....Friday 24th October we have our club sleepover. Please make sure you return your permission slips and bring your jim jams! We'll be playing games, watching a film and eating loads!
28th Oct - No club because it's half term
4th Nov - Press making
11th Nov - Trip out, hopefully to lazer quest
18th Nov- Police Visit
25th Nov - Making Christmas cards
2nd Dec - Christmas biscuit making
9th Dec - Christmas party
Club restarts on the 6th January
