Children's True Heroes

The nation's most heroic role is that of a parent, according to a national poll of children run by the Church of England and The Children's Society. The Rt Rev Mark Davies, Bishop of Middleton, revealed the results on Monday of an online poll to find the most heroic job in the UK at a ceremony in Manchester Cathedral. Out of the 25 jobs nominated by a selection of school children, the poll revealed that the UK’s most heroic jobs were parents with 25% of the vote, firefighters with 13% of the vote, and soldiers with 12% of the vote.
Bishop Davies said, “The National Hero Poll is part of the Church of England’s efforts to help parents who are not keen on their children dressing up as murderers or taking part in trick or treating, to find alternative ways of marking Halloween in a more positive and fun way. The Church sees the 31 October as 'All Hallow's Eve', which is the night before 'All Saints Day', when we celebrate our own religious heroes. The survey was a way of finding out who children consider as today’s secular heroes. We hope the poll results might encourage young people to look to everyday heroes around them and celebrate all who lead their lives in the service of others.”