Urban Saints - Re: Act

Urban Saints are celebrating after they experienced a substantial leap in the number of people attending their 'Re:Act' fun days over the summer.
Re:Act fun days are hosted by local churches which train up volunteers to man the events. The day offers free BBQs, face painting, balloon modelling, drama sketches, games and football tournaments but maintains an evangelistic focus.
Re:Act days offer a "fantastic and free day whilst sharing the Gospel in word and action", said Re:Act core team member Bernie Wheeler.
This year saw 41 of their Re:Act days, run by 298 people across 39 different locations. In 2006, just six Re:Act days were held.
"The Re:Act values of empowering church, unity, integrity, discipleship, prayer and excellence complemented well with the vision of Hope08," added Wheeler.
Many of the Re:Act days were provided as part of local church projects being held for Hope08, a yearlong church initiative to restore Christian hope in communities across the country.
The Re:Act team drew together many young Christians, aged between 14 and 25, and the days were held in collaboration with Christian organisations including DNA, Miracle Street, Nexus, NGM and YWAM.
An estimated 140 people became Christians at Re:Act days, according to organisers, with a further 150 making recommitments.
The fun days were also an opportunity for churches to work together on an outreach event.
"Many churches had not worked together before so Re:Act was a catalyst for that, and there’s also a number of locations reporting a good take up for follow on Alpha courses," added Wheeler.
The Re:Act teams also saw answers to prayer for healing, reporting that in one location 11 people were healed in one day.
Local organisers in Hemel Hempstead said, "Our Re:Act day was awesome – over 2,000 people came and everyone had a good time. Quite a few people asked for more information on local churches as well."